A Message from Erik
Whether you need a producer for a global brand launch, a Livestream that delivers on social, or a nimble shooter to cover a “making of” or “BTS”, it’s important to build the right team, with a strong and inspired leader to execute your valuable concept.
You want confidence there’ll be good solutions, less questions.
Being a Producer, EP, Post Producer, DGA Director, Editor, Photographer; having worked on most every position in the production workflow— has rounded out my skillset and helped me understand the challenges of every position. Finding key talent in every production role will help deliver the best assets in the best channels.
Having built teams, led teams, grown in-house production departments and post facilities, you’ll get a strong partner for strategic thinking, cross departmental and integrated teamwork. At some point, ideas need to become a reality and you'll have a top conductor at the crossroad of ideation and execution.
Let’s create something remarkable together!
Thanks for your consideration,
Erik Iversen